Zella Himelhoch-Titular Head of Himelhoch's

Zella Himelhoch (Cropped from The Detroit Free Press Photo on “Personalities” Page, 05 February 2018)

Zella Himelhoch - Zell - died at 52 in 1928. Could brothers be so different? Zell was a page out of Sinclair Lewis “Babbitt”. As president and titular head of Himelhochs™ and best known of the brothers, he joined everything. Most people thought he ran Himelhochs™. Actually, with his outside activities, he had little time for the day-to-day business operations, which, incidentally, did not disturb his brothers. His brother, Israel, was furious when he would clip the Charles Stevens ads from the Chicago papers and demand that our advertising department duplicate them.

He was regarded as most productive and was an officer of numerous business and civic organizations. He belonged to Kwianis and the Masons. His friendly engaging personality made him always welcome, be it down on his knees in a crap game, on a Board of Commerce cruise, in a prestigious boardroom, or in a flamboyant bawdy house of the roaring 20s.

Israel always respected the contribution he made to the growth of the business. Hard as it was to do in 1928, he managed to die broke, but he had a good time getting there.

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